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The family of Thomas H. Breunich uploaded a photo
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
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Dolores Bettner posted a condolence
Monday, March 31, 2008
Dear Patty and Connie, I have read the tributes to Tom and have struggled with what I could possibly say that others have not already said so eloquently. Then I came back to school after spring break and walked by the gym. The emptiness I felt was overwhelming. Please know that Tom is missed and remembered everyday by all of us.
Sandy Danziger posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tom was my "neighbor" at Holly Hills for many years. I always enjoyed our chats and found him to be very witty. I am so impressed with the number of students through the years who have said he was their favorite teacher. He will certainly be missed at Holly Hills. My sincere sympathy.
Brian Fox posted a condolence
Monday, March 17, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Breunich and his family. I would always enjoy his classes and especially seeing him in the halls because he was someone you knew would always give you a smile or a pat on the back. You will be missed.
Steve Hutchins posted a condolence
Monday, March 17, 2008
I remember watching The 3 Stooges and him spiking my hair like David Bowie. It seemed like it took forever to wash the 2 cans of hairspray out. During the summer I would tag along with you and Greg over to the Rogerâ??s house so we could play tennis. I believe, due to the competition, I even saw a tennis racket or two get broken. I still think of you when I here The Rolling Stones playing on the radio. From mini-bikes to the Kawasaki 125 Iâ??ll never forget riding in the field across from the house, I may still have the scar from the mini-bike muffler. Out of all my great memories to I still share with family and friends one of the greatest talents I learned. Fireworks! It all started with little plastic army men then grew to G.I. Joe, from there we went to blowing tennis balls out of cans buried deep in the ground, to prevent the shrapnel wounds. I now share this gift with my son and his friends. I know each time there is a burst of colors in the sky to a pop of a firecracker I will be thinking of you. Thank you for all the great memories, I will miss you dearly.
Jane O'Connor former teacher Holly Hills posted a condolence
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tom was such an unassuming man that I had never realized until his penultimate fight with cancer everything he did for others. The thing I shall remember most is the inspiring speech he gave when he returned to work at Holly Hills. The staff arranged one of the schoolâ??s famous breakfasts to welcome him back and the school was covered with cards and pictures from the children that loved him so much although at least 40% couldnâ??t spell his name right which he found highly amusing. Tom stood up to thank everyone for the support they had shown during his illness. He told us how many people could not afford the cancer drugs so he had donated some of his and I learned of all the money he raised biking. So Tom, whilst battling his own illness, was still thinking about others. He urged us all to do whatever we could to help in the fight. Previously I thought I did my share but when I listened to him talking with such passion I realized I fell far short of what I should be doing. I hope I am changing that and I thank Tom for giving me that motivation.
Reading through the comments here from some of the children he taught it strikes me that if just one of my students remembers me in the future with the same affection these remember Tom, then I know I will have done my job well.â?¦.. just like he did.
I feel that I am a far better person for knowing him. Thank you Tom!
I hope the wonderful comments shared here, which are such a great testiment to his life, give some comfort to his family and friends
Cindy Kern posted a condolence
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Our heartfelt sympathy to the Breunich and DiPatri Family.
Bob & Cindy Kern
Wendy Uhlig posted a condolence
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It's hard for me to think of Holly Hills without Tom Breunich. He was such a great part of our "School family". Tom was more of a quiet person in school, but always very easy for me to chat with when I took my students to class. I loved his witty remarks and jokes that went way over the students' heads! That was the "School" Tom.
It wasn't until my first Christmas Party, 8 years ago, with Holly Hills that I got to see the real Tom. The one who actually really enjoyed music and even danced! He was even more fun to talk to and you could see how much he enjoyed life.
My favorite memory of Tom is when he got to sing on stage with Ray's band. I never saw him so excited! His face lit up and he just took it all in. We cheered and became his little "Groupies". It was a riot to see him enjoy something that much! I will never forget that.
My heartfelt sympathy goes out you, Patti and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Tom lived life to the fullest and did so much. I can only imagine what else he could've done if he weren't taken from us at such a young age. May he rest in peace and keep everyone smiling.
Donna Dern posted a condolence
Saturday, March 15, 2008
We have lost a dear colleague and friend at Holly Hills. I had the pleasure of working with Tom for the past 16 years. When I first met him he appeared to be quiet and very private, but I quickly discovered that he loved to talk. He shared stories about his beloved mother, Connie, and his wife, Patty, whom he adored and was so very proud. Stories about his siblings, in-laws, and many nieces and nephews...Oh, how his eyes would light up when he talked about his family. And he was funny! With his quick wit and sense of humor, he always made me laugh. Tom the performer...I'll always smile at the memory of Tom singing Motown karaoke after a retirement dinner for a colleague. Or the time that he got up on stage and sang with a fellow teacher's Rock Band. Tom lit up the stage and we thought we'd never get him off! His love of music and performing carried over into his classes. "Mr. Breunich" taught my daughter, Kari and son, Scott. They both fondly remember that he played music as his classes entered the gym and then performed on his "air guitar" while they got settled. My heart is heavy at the tremendous loss felt by Patty, Connie, and the Breunich and DiPatri families. My thoughts, prayers, and sincere sympathy are with you. May sadness be replaced in time with our wonderful memories of Tom.
Tommie Stringer posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
As I extend condolences to Tom's family I can't help but think that death is such and interesting part of life. If you believe in the hereafter you gotta think that maybe Tom is, at this moment, giving St. Peter some pointers on how to adequately stretch before a good run or Moses is giving Tom tips on his backswing with a 7 iron; or he's on a computer showing Adam and Eve why it would have been a very wise idea to invest in figs when the rate was really low. Whatever he's doing, the good part is I bet he's really enjoying it.
Jennifer Stevens Murray posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
I have many great memories of Tom from being a former student of his and from working with him for last five years. His wonderful sense of humor is something that I will always remember. I also admire and will remember his courage. My thoughts and prayers are with his entire family. I know Tom was truly blessed by their love and that he is watching over them now.
Jonah Delso posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
Mr. Breunich was the kind of teacher that made me excited to go to school. I established friendships with other kids in his gym class who have now been lifelong friends. We love reminiscing about how great it was to be in his class, and how he made it so fun to be a kid in Holly Hills Elementary. I have grown up as a lifeguard and now am a child swim instructor in Philadelphia, and remembering his sense of humor and sensitivity with kids really hits home when I see kids excited to be at my swim lesson. Mr. Breunich sparked a lot of interest in a lot children to be active and healthy, I will always remember how sincere he was with making sure everyone was having a good time in school.
Diane K. Bender posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
I enjoyed working with Tom and discovering his fun and humorous side when we were with the Holly Hills students in gym and health class. It's still hard to walk by the health room and not see Tom sitting at his computer, but he will always be remembered in the hearts of those who were fortunate to have known him. He will truly be missed.
joe & kelly clifford posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
Patty I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless
Rosemary Trexler posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
To Dear Patty and Family -- My deepest heartfeld condolences to you. I did not know Tom, but he must have been a wonderful person. My apologies for not being able to attend services. Love, Rosemary Trexler
Tyler Barto posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
Everyone talked about how amazing a gym teacher he was. However, he was probably an even better man. Whenever anyone was upset, Mr. Breunich could always make them feel better. He will be sorely missed by all. But we will always remember the impact he made on our young lives.
Bea Kelsey posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
I will always remember Tom as my Half-Day Buddy. I don't think those days will ever be the same without walking into that Health Room to see him say "You again! Those Darn Kindergarten kids are taking over my room". I will always remember his wit and humor and he will forever be missed.
Leathia posted a condolence
Friday, March 14, 2008
Mr. Breunich was by far one of the best gym teachers that I have ever had. I had the privilege of having him as my gym teacher all throughout elementary school. I can only think of fond memories when I reminisce about gym at Holly Hills. I always looked forward to going to his class; he was humorous and made gym super fun. I remember that if any of us wore anything with a hood, he'd pull it over our head and yell, "Shark Attack!" It was hilarious!
--You will be missed Mr. Breunich...RIP & God Bless. \=
Dennis Gallagher posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mr. Breunich was a great teacher that I was lucky to have for four years. My best memory of Mr. Breunich was if he caught you with a hoodie on he would grab the back and yell "shark attack", and I always looked forward to the end of the year when we watched The Three Stooges - that was the best. This past year he reminded me to Stay Strong. Rest in Peach Mr. Breunich and Stay Strong.
Rose Goldy posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You are in my thoughts and prayers.May you and your family have peace within your loving memories.
Rose Goldy and family
Erin Ennis posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mr. Breunich was one of the best gym teachers I've ever had and one of the most interactive and enjoyable teachers to grace the halls of Holly Hills. He will always be remembered for his fun games, exciting classes, and entertaining movies. Although it has been nearly 10 years since being in the elementary district myself, Mr. Breunich, and his way of making all students feel like gym was more than just an escape from class, will never be forgotten.
rest in peace
Kari Dern posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I always looked forward to gym class with Tom Breunich who was of course at the time "Mr. Breunich" to myself and the other students. I loved gym class in general but he made it fun for those who might not have otherwise. He was always making sure that everyone felt included and was very fair. I remember him standing up in the middle of the gym playing "air guitar" and making everyone laugh. He will be missed and I offer my prayers to Connie and the rest of his family.
L posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mr. Breunich was an awesome gym teacher, he really fostered a love of sports in me that I carried through my life, may he rest peacefully.
Gary Miller posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I ran into Mr. Breunich a few years ago, and he recognized me. He hadnâ??t seen me since I was 9. Iâ??ve changed a lot since then, I swear!
Wit and kindness aside, Mr. Breunich meant a lot to the kids of Westampton because we meant a lot to him.
Donna Yoerke posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I've know Tom for about 8 years while working at Holly Hills. For the first six years, I had only really talked to Tom at our Holiday Parties and Luncheons. At those events, I got to see and experience Tom's great sense of humor. He always made me laugh.
About 2 years ago, because of scheduling, I had to stay with my class during gym. There I really was able to see Tom interact with the kids. He had such a great way about him. The kids loved going to see Mr. Breunich in gym. I remember watching Tom on the baseball field surrounded by kids having a blast on a beautiful spring day. His smile was contagious.
I also was there the night "Rock Star Tom" came out. A bunch of us were out to hear another staff member's Ray band play. Tom was so nervous because Ray said he could come up and sing. But once he was up there - you couldn't get him down! When he did get down, his face was lit up for the rest of the night. That's the Tom Breunich that I'll always remember.
Jim and Nancy Ingles posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
When God calls our loved one to dwell with him above we mortals always question the wisdom of his love. Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to his fold and so he picked a rosebud before he could grow old. Believing this is difficult but somehow we must try for the saddest word that mandkind knows will always be goodbye. Goodbye but not forgotten our memories shall last until we meet again at last. Condolences and prayers to Tom's family. The Ingles
Lisa Holloway Tweedie posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My memories of Tom will always make me smile. During the 8 years that I worked with him, I was able to learn more and more about the man he was. He came across as rather quiet and private, but when you got to know him - you would see "the other side of Tom"!
He was funny, so funny! I would often stay in the classroom grading papers while he taught Health. That was when I had the opportunity to see him interact with the students. He would joke with them and keep the atmosphere light during his teaching. One time, as a "treat" for him or the students?!? he showed videos of "The Three Stooges". He laughed and laughed sitting in the back of the classroom while the kids scratched their heads and wondered "who are these goofy looking guys"?
Over the years I saw the wonderful, loving bond between he and his mom. He cared deeply for her and she for him. He spoke highly of his wife, Patti, and boasted about her accomplishments. Tom loved his family. You could see his love for them in his eyes when he spoke of them.
My thoughts and prayers are with Connie, Patti, and their families as they mourn this great loss. Tom lived life well and fully. I will always remember him with fondness.
Maureen Malecki posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tom was my colleague, my friend and my hero. He was an inspiration as he fought his battle against cancer with determination, valor and dignity, never complaining.He was a wonderful, compassionate teacher who was really tuned in to his students.He was always asking me to check on a student he thought was troubled or unusually quiet. Tom went out of his way to boost the confidence of kids who were shy or had social difficulties. I will miss his wonderful,loving stories about his adored wife Patty, his Mom Connie, his nieces & nephews, siblings and the rest of the Breunich and DiPatri families. I will miss our conversations about current events, movies, life, and one of Tom's favorite subjects- FOOD! Most of all, I will miss the many laughs and smiles we shared. I prefer to think of Tom as not resting peacefully, but once again riding his bike at top speedhe said it was the only way!in heaven with the wind and sun on his smiling face. I will miss you, my friend.
Eileen Knopp posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I first met Tom 16 years ago when he became my oldest sonâ??s first Gym Teacher. He taught Johnny and my second son, Tommy, gym and health for all four years they attended Holly Hills. He always took an interest in their lives beyond the classroom, always checking on how their soccer and baseball teams were doing. From the time they moved to the middle school to now when they are in college he has kept track of them, putting newspaper articles about them on his bulletin board and acting really excited when they stopped in to say hi. He was real excited when he heard that Johnny was now attending his alma mater, the University of South Carolina. Earlier this year we visited Johnny during Parentâ??s Weekend. Johnny had us bring back a USC keychain for Mr. Breunich. Tom was thrilled and immediately transferred some of his keys to the new keychain.
Eileen Knopp posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ten years ago I began working at Holly Hills and got to know Tom as a colleague. I really liked him as a teacher of my children and as I got to know him I liked him even more as a friend. He was always friendly and ready to laugh. Most importantly, he indulged me in my hobby. I love to take pictures and Tom would laugh and begin to pose as soon as he saw me come through his classroom door with my camera around my neck. He knew I would share the photos with my sons who adored him.
Our deepest sympathies go out to Tomâ??s wife, mother, brother, sister and the rest of his family and friends
We will truly miss but never forget him.
Eileen, Johnny and Tommy Knopp
Laura Brown posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I will always remember Tom's sense of humor. I would attend health class with the students and without fail, he always brought a smile to my face.
Whenever my children talk about their memories of Holly Hills, they laugh about how Mr. Breunich called my son Pillow Head because his hair was always messy. My daughter was amused at the time he went up to her in the lunchroom and said, "Do you know that your brother is eating a butter sandwich?" My other daughter was thrilled when he asked if he could keep her 4th grade health project because he really liked it. These are a few of our silly family stories that Mr. Breunich will always be a part of.
Irene Weber posted a condolence
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mr. Breunich always made gym fun and exciting for us. I also admired his great taste in cars porscheas i remember him driving by my house waving as he left school. His loss is a great one and he will be missed. My prayers are with his family and friends
The Cooper Family posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Our deepest heartfelt sympathy to your family. May you find comfort in knowing that Tom is at peace and lovingly watching over you.
Eva and Rick Rosetti posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tom was a kind, generous man who will be dearly missed. May he rest in peace after his couragous struggle.
Lisa Fisher posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I had the pleasure to work with Tom for the last 21 years. For many years we were stuck in our small rooms in the library and it gave us a chance to get to know each other. Tom was very quiet in school but after many conversations you realized how funny and witty he was. We would discuss the students and it was very clear how much he cared about them even though many were "knuckleheads". Kerri and I would take him under our wing and made sure he had a costume for Halloween or made his strombolli for the morning breakfast.
My greastest memory of Tom will be the one I always will use to remember him, and that is his debut as a rock singer in Ray's band. He was so excited to get up on the stage and perform. We all cheered him on and I never saw him so happy.
My deepest sympathy to Patti and to Connie. I know how close you were and Tom clearly loved and admired you both. I am so sorry that Tom had to have this battle at such a young age. We often talked about the future and the things we wanted to do. He had a zest for life. We have lost many collegues at Holly Hills and all have been hard and devistating to us as a work "family", but we always remember them and bring up stories to tell. Know that I will always remember Tom.
Linda Welte posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I wish to express my most heartfelt sympathy and comfort to Tom's wife Patti, his mother Connie, and all of his family and friends. I have worked wtih Tom at Westampton schools for many years and will always remember his smile and delight in working with the kids in school. I wish to express my respect and admiration for Tom as a professional, and truly a hero as he has gone through this challenging ordeal. His courage will be a source of admiration and strength for me. As I read all of the wonderful tributes to this man, I can only say how lucky his friends and family are to have known him. This is his greatest legacy. May this give his family and friends comfort knowing how many he touched while here. My prayers and blessings to his family.
The Borden Family posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Our deepest sympathies go out to you. Tom was a wonderful person and Karly asked after him all the time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Tracy, Jim and Karly
The Pendleton School posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"Only time moves on to the next scene. Memory remains part of the heart forever" Unknown
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The Pendleton School
Mureen Pasquarello posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I have had the honor of working with Tom at Holly Hills for the past ten years. As support staff, I often accompanied Tom to Gym or Health class. His quick wit and dry sense of humor always made his classes fun. I will miss him.
Chris Gallagher posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am so glad that I had the opportunity to work and get to know Tom. His visits to my office for snacks were uplifting. Watching him interact with the children was inspiring. They loved him. Patti, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be assured that Tom is missed by many.
Justin Wright posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Though it has been 18 years since I had Mr. Breunich as a teacher, I will never forget the memories of him at Holly Hills. Those were great times and I am glad to have had him as a teacher. I am absolutely shocked that he is gone. My heart goes out to the entire family, especially Mrs. Constance Breunich, my 8th grade English teacher. You both have my utmost respect for your years of service in our schools.
Lisa Fisher posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I had the pleasure to work with Tom for the last 21 years. For many years we were stuck in our small rooms in the library and it gave us a chance to get to know each other. Tom was very quiet in school but after many conversations you realized how funny and witty he was. We would discuss the students and it was very clear how much he cared about them even though many were "knuckleheads". Kerri and I would take him under our wing and made sure he had a costume for Halloween or made his strombolli for the morning breakfast.
My greastest memory of Tom will be the one I always will use to remember him, and that is his debut as a rock singer in Ray's band. He was so excited to get up on the stage and perform. We all cheered him on and I never saw him so happy.
My deepest sympathy to Patty and to Connie. I know how close you were and Tom clearly loved and admired you both. I am so sorry that Tom had to have this battle at such a young age. We often talked about the future and the things we wanted to do. He had a zest for life. We have lost many collegues at Holly Hills and all have been hard and devistating to us as a work "family", but we always remember them and bring up stories to tell. Know that I will always remember Tom.
The University of Miami at IMG Academies posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Mr. Thomas Breunich, Jr.
Patricia Cunningham posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I knew Tommy Breunich from the love in his mother's eyes whenever she talked about him. May this terrible loss be lessened by the beautiful memories of this gentle man.
Tom and Sherri Cuff posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It was a privilege having Tom as a neighbor. He was a kind, gentle hearted man who possessed a talent for landscaping. Whenever we look into our backyard and see the beautiful plants and flowers, we will think of Tom. We will truly miss all the conversations we've shared. God Bless.
Douglas Reichert posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Patty I am sorry to hear of Tom's passing and your loss. Wish that I could be there tonight but please know that Laura & I are thinking of you and know that our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Love, Doug Reichert
Linda Lance posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
Lance Family
Kerri Murphy posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tom Breunich was a fine person. I know this to be a fact as I had the pleasure of calling him not only my colleague but my friend for more than ten years. Tom was a wonderful example of how we should approach so many things in life and how we should be as people. When Tom did anything, it was never done half way. He loved his wife, Patti, with all of his heart. He was so proud of her many accomplishments: from Patti's professional achievements to her master skills in the kitchen Tom loved to eat fine food and was always so grateful for Patti's good cooking. Tom was a devoted son who loved his mother deeply and unabashedly. Tom always wanted the best for his mother and would have done anything to make sure she was happy. Tom was a real family man and loved to share stories of his brother and sister, in-laws and nieces and nephews. There was a special spot in his heart for each.
Tom was a great storyteller and a wonderful, if unassuming, teacher. His students learned not only lessons about physical education, but life lessons as well; how to win and lose graciously, to play by the rules, and that misbehaving may lead to sitting out for a bit, but that's okay, we even learn from our mistakes.
Tom Breunich taught me that anything worth doing should be done well- if you play, play hard, if you love, do so fully, if you create something, make it top quality.
I will miss Tom a lot and his family is in my prayers. I will miss his stories and his laughter, his sly sense of humor, and his compassionate heart. So many lives touched by one, and I am fortunate to call myself just one among the many.
May your memories of Tom bring you peace.
Jonathan Wright posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mr. Breunich was one of my favorite teachers at Holly Hills. He had a great sense of humor and was always telling jokes. He made an impact on many peoples lives. He will surely be missed.
Patti and Vince Tarricone posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Patti and the Breunich Family: Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your loss. Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Christine Greve posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mr. Breunich was my gym teacher all throughout Holly Hills and I always looked forward to going to his class. He was always a very honest and funny guy. I would look forward to the classes we saw videos even though they were the same every year. He really tried to enforce safety and the effects drugs have on you. RIP you will be missed.
Andrew Morer posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I will always remember the way you called me and my brother ESPN and ESPN 2..you were a great man and an amazing teacher..RIP Mr. Breunich
Michael Nixon Sr posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Was this Tom Breunich Class of 1973 RVRHS. Great guy sorry to hear about your loss. He always said hello and had time to ask about you. I have not seen him in years but I considered him my friend.
Marc Krisch posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tom Breunich was a close friend and colleague who I will miss very much. As a friend, I enjoyed talking with Tom in the morning to discuss politics and pre market trading. I enjoyed having lunch with Tom in the Health Room where he listened to Bloomberg Radio, checking the noon market, discussing finance and politics. Tom and I shared so many common interests and beliefs that it was uncanny. As a colleague, Tom was great and very helpful to me when I started teaching health. It was quid pro quo, since I had to keep his PC running! He was so good with the kids, firm yet compassionate and always commanded earned their respect. He will be sorely missed by all. My sincere regrets to all of the Breunich and DiPatri families.
Jennale posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
mr.breunich was a very funny helpful teacher, and i loved being in his health/gym class. he always fooled around with the students and made me laugh all the time. everyday he would put a smile on my face. also, he was one of my favorite teachers at holly hills. well we are all going to miss him very much, but atleast he's in a better place now. rip <3
Brandi Conley posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
mr.breunich was my health and gym teacher of my 5 years of attending school in holly hills.. he was my favorite teacher and knew how to teach. i was always excited to go to his health and gym class! i hope the best for all of his friends and family and he will always be remembered by me and many others.<3
Daniel Marino posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tom, Bill Dickerson and I were best friends at RVRHS. We all played football together for 4 years, managed to graduate and then Bill and I joined the Marines. I later attended the University of South Carolina because Tom was there. We talked over the years, but did not get to see each other very much as I have been living in other places. You always think there is time to catch up and I regret deeply not seeing Tom more. He was a great guy and always made me see the funny side of life. I have never met anyone who had such an engaging smile and laugh. I will miss him.
Carolyn Szukics posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I will always remember Tom's quick wit and sense of humor. It was a pleasure working with him and an honor to have known such a courageous person. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Tina Eckert posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It was a pleasure to work with Tom and have him as a teacher too. I loved hearing his funny stories about the kids which always made me laugh. He was a wonderful teacher and will be missed by all at Holly Hills School. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Nichol McCarty posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tom was such a wonderful person and he will be missed. Holly Hills School won't be the same without him. My thoughts are with the entire Breunich family!
Tracy Johnson posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tom was an amazing teacher who was able to find something special about each student he taught. He had a magical smile that was contageous. It was pleasure to have taught with him at Holly Hills School. He will be greatly missed by all.
Steve & Linda Roadknight posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Steve, Linda, Blair, Brett and Katarina Roadknight
Barbara Gallagher posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I have been very lucky to have worked with Tom for the past 14 years and also to have him as a teacher to all three of my kids. I have many fun memories of Tom, from working with him in class to going out after school with the staff. Tom always had a funny story to tell. I especially liked when he told me the stories of when he and Patti would watch his nieces, and how crazy things got.
What I admire the most about Tom was while he was home last year during his treatments he took the time on several occasions to call me when our son was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. Tom was a great support to our family, even with what he was going through. He always told my son to Stay Strong. I will never forget all of his kind words. Tom will be missed by everyone whose lives he touch. My
thoughts and prayers are with the entire family.
Cristine Thatcher posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I worked with Tom for many years at Holly Hills. My three children,long graduates of HHS School, each were fortunate to have him as their first gym teacher. He will be missed and always remembered.
Cris Thatcher and Family
Angela Keeton-Lipscomb posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to the entire Breunich family. It has been a pleasure working with and knowing Tom over the past ten years at Holly Hills School. He will truly be missed today, tomorrow, and always.
Joanne Lullio-Morris posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I was very sad to hear the news about Tommy. He and I went to school together in Mt. Holly. He was always a happy go lucky guy. What a surprise it was to find out that Tommy would be my childrens gym teacher when I moved to Westampton. I would kid around with him that I had showed them his pictures from when we were younger and they would bring them in to him. My kids loved him, they thought he was a great guy. Tommy always told the kids to wear their sunscreen. He was very adamant about it. My heart is very sad but I know that he is in a much better place, at peace and no more suffering. He was too young to leave us but God must have needed a mighty angel and he got that by taking Tommy. My prayers go out to his family and friends. God Bless you all.
Joanne Lullio-Morris
Westampton NJ
George Doring posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I will remember Tom as a fine person and one who took great pride in making our neighborhood at Forest Walk look great!
Farewell and thank you for your effort.
Elaine Weber posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I'm privileged to have known Mr. Breunich while my daughter, Irene Weber, had him as her gym teacher1990-1995at Holly Hills. I was fortunate to have worked with him, from a PTA standpoint, helping him with many the many aspects of FIELD Day, for quite a few years. While I worked at Holly Hills, I often had the opportunity to chat with him. He was a wonderful, happy, talented and very upbeat person, who will be greatly missed by everyone. He's at peace, in the Lord's arms, in Heaven.
Lynn Kurtz posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tom Breunich had one of the greatest smiles! He could light up a room. We spent many school dinners at the same table, and Tommy never failed to make me laugh. His perception of children and life was priceless! I will miss him very much! Rest in peace with the Lord.
Heidi Hoefle posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I am very shocked & disheartened to hear of Mr. Breunich's death. My thoughts, prayers & condolences go out to his family.
Fran Grossman posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Patti, We are in the CArribbean, but Lou Lucente Emailed me to tell me of Tom's untimely death. Please accept my condolences. As you know, bad things happen to good people. I wish I had the power to make this better for you. I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you, and I want your dad to know that I am thinking about him as well.
Hugs, Fran Grossman
Matthew Karp posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mr. Breunich was a great guy. What I remember best from him is whenever some kid would wear a hoody to class, he would sneak up behind them and yell ,"SHARK ATTACK". Then he'd pull the kid's hoodie over their head. I know he loved what he did and I really admire him. Rest peacefully.
Holly Hills from 1991-1996
Bishop D. Elaine Harris posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
God is our refuge and strength. My condolences are extended to the entire family of Thomas Bruenich, Jr. It was my pleasure to share in Tommy's life as a Pricipal in the Westampton Township School System. He was a joy to interact with both on a personal and professional level.May warm and wonderful memories of his life and the lives he has touched console you at this time.My prayers are with his wife Patricia and my friend Connie, his mother; as well as the entire family.
Joseph J. Allen posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mr. Breunich was a great gym teacher at Holly Hills School. He taught me how to dribble a scoccer ball and many other things. I will miss him very much. Joey Bag of Donuts as he used to call me
Lisa Wesolowski posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It was an honor to work with Tom at Holly Hills School. I will always admire his strong and courageous spirit. May God bless him and his entire family.
Beverly Reback & Children posted a condolence
Monday, March 10, 2008
My deepest sympathy goes out to all friends and family of Mr. Breunich. He was deeply loved and admired by all 4 of my children that were at one time students of his. He always had the most positive and inspiring things to say even when they felt they could have done better. He will be sadly missed and very lovingly remembered by myself and my children. May God Bless Tom's family and friends and may God give you the strength to move on without him. Always cherish all your memories of him and let them bring you strength and understanding as well as smiles as you try and move forward. His positive spirit will surely live on with the thousands of hearts of all the children who's lives that he has touched. God Bless and Take care. Sincerely, Bev Reback and Children
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