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The family of Carol A. Hepp uploaded a photo
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
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Joanie Kamps posted a condolence
Monday, December 25, 2017
Dear Carol,
Merry Christmas in Heaven!
You loved decorating your house & wrapping gifts for the kids.
Sure wish you were here with us.
We miss & love you very much.
I'll never forget you.
Always & 4-Ever,
Your little sister, Joanie
Joanie Kamps posted a condolence
Monday, January 2, 2017
Dear Carol,
We just celebrated Christmas (2016) & Happy New Year (2017)!
Quaker City won 1st prize in the String Band Division!
You always liked the holidays, but, in particular, New Year's Day.
You loved doing the Mummer's Strut with your little umbrella.
Missing you.
Love, Always & 4-EVER
Your little sister,
Joan Kamps posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Dear sister Carol,
Thinking of you this week. Last week was your birthday (July 12th).
I'm sure your grandkids have grown up. I don't see your kids or grandkids, but I always pray for them.
I hope you're enjoying Heaven with God & Jesus & the Holy Spirit, along with our other relatives who have passed away!
Missing You!
Love Always & 4-EVER,
Joan Kamps posted a condolence
Friday, September 26, 2014
Dear Sister Carol,
Thought of you a lot today--this is your wedding date anniversary!
I miss you, visits to your house, drinking Pepsi together, talking & having fun.
You were always one for a good laugh. Miss shopping together, also.
Love Always & 4-Ever,
CHARLES F HEPP posted a condolence
Monday, October 7, 2013
my sweet princess i miss u dearly no one will ever know the hurt i feel , I LOVE U SO MUCH DEATH CAN NOT CHANGE THAT NOTHING CAN .....ALWAYS AND FOREVER YOUR LOVING HUSBAND CHICKIIE.....
Joan Kamps posted a condolence
Monday, May 6, 2013
Dear sister Carol,
Wishing you were still here. I don't know how any of your kids are doing; just don't seem to be able to keep in touch with them.
Missing you!
Your "little sister"
Joanie posted a condolence
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dear sister Carol,
Tomorrow is St. Patty's Day & I'm thinking of how you'd go all out to celebrate this & all holidays.
Easter is March 31st this year!
I will never forget you & I fondly remember all the good times we had "hanging around your house" and shopping.
Missing you!
Joanie Kamps posted a condolence
Friday, December 21, 2012
Dear sister Carol,
Well, Christmas is only 4 days away! The time is flying. I want you to know that I especially miss you around the holidays. You used to go "all-out" decorating your house with many lights inside & out & you always bought the "latest" ornaments or decorations.
I miss you!
Love, Always & 4-Ever,
Your "little sister",
Joanie posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
My dear sister Carol,
Miss being around you, visiting, shopping, out to lunch, etc.
I'll never forget how you loved to "tease" all the kids----your own, cousins, nieces, nephews----teased "kids" of all ages.
Miss hanging around you & your teenage friends. Hanging around the steak shop playing the jukebox & pinball machine. Oh how you hated me being in your "territory".
My grandkids, Chucky, 8 yr., 3rd grade AND Julia-Lynn, 6 yrs., 1st grade. You would have loved them, I'm sure.
I will always love you!
Always & 4-Ever,
Your "little" sister,
Joanie posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Dear Sister Carol,
Just wanted to write to let you know I'm thinking of you.
I miss talking to you & going shopping together.
Always & 4-Ever,
Your "Little Sister"
Joanie posted a condolence
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Happy Birthday Sister Carol!
Wow, it's 8 long years since you passed away; I miss you & love you very much.
My husband Charlie is gone for almost 10 years now & son, Charlie in Heaven now for 4 years already.
Saw your Lisa in CVS recently. All of our kids are grownups now--where did the time go???
I'll write again.
Joanie posted a condolence
Saturday, June 30, 2012
My dear sweet Carol,
Today is very difficult emotionally for me. My "little Charlie" died on this day 4 years ago. We miss him so much but are assured that he is in Heaven.
Your 8th death anniversary is coming up. I miss you.
Love 4-Ever,
Your "little" sister,
Joanie Kamps posted a condolence
Sunday, June 24, 2012
My dear sweet Carol,
WOW! I can't believe that we can still send messages to you after 3 years.
So, I saw Lisa yesterday at CVS; hadn't seen her in a very long time. I don't see many people in our family. But that's always the way with us: The Wagners & Hepps.
Billy Mac died 2 months ago. He's probably with you playing his banjo.
I have 2 beautiful grandchildren: Chuckie 8 yrs. & Julia-Lynn 6 yrs.. Wish you could have met them. You would have been a good Aunt to them. Of course, you'd tease them like you always did to kids. You were a real "pip".
Oh Carol, I sure miss all the fun times we had growing up; you sometimes as my babysitter. Remember when we'd hang out in the "steak shops" playing the jukebox & playing pinball. You'd hate it when I hung around you too much with your friends & boyfriends. I miss all the letters we wrote when you lived in Germany. You always sent me presents from Germany. I especially remember a very nice pair of Garnet earrings. Wish I knew what happened to them over the years with many moves, etc.
Carol, you were always a part of my heart even when we didn't see each other for awhile. Sometimes it seems like we don't know what we had good until we lose it. Family is so important in this life on earth & ours is definitely dysfunctional.
I'll just cherish the short time I had with you & love you & think fondly of you "Sister". My love for you.
Always & 4-Ever,
lisa posted a condolence
Sunday, July 12, 2009
its not the same having Joeys birthday without you. i miss those few short years you 2 had with each other. of course he got all the attention though since he was the baby boy. ha funny but true. you have just about all the family with you now and here we are living this crazy life. i no you are happy mommy cause Heaven is described as such a beautiful place and you deserve all of what God has to give you.
i just wish i could be there with you but my time here is not over. someday though we will be together again and it will be so amazing. its almost 5 years since you left us and although it feels like it all happened yesterday at the same time it feels like you've been gone for so long. its weird.
well as you no i miss you, love you and always thinking of you. ALWAYS!!!!! your truly the best mom anybody could of had and i am thankful the good Lord made you my mommy dearest.
rest in peace mama see you when my work here is done.
good night my sweet angel
lisa posted a condolence
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hey Mama,
Wow been forever since i got on here. Its actually forever since I've been myself. So many things in life have changed. Its funny how a Mother can keep everything together and once they are gone the family seems to fall apart. Well at least this one. Anyway these past few holidays were very different and although i did not write you for any of um i still thought about you. i think about you all the time but dont write or go to the cemetary like i used to. my life seems to be way out of order. i actually feel like you did. i need not say that i miss you and think of you all the time cause you already no it. you definately were a better woman and mother than i will ever be and im proud of you for that. hope you are truly happy and peaceful in Heaven because its still the same old rough world here and you deserve to be happy. I Love You with all my Heart Mama and miss you sooooo much. i'll be back on eventually.
All My Love Sweet Angel
Joan Kamps posted a condolence
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My dear sweet Carol,
I miss you so much at times; we had some fun times together. Remember when I was in HS and I used to babysit. Remember all the fun we had when I was living with you & Chickie for about a year?
I wish I had you now that I am grieving the loss of my Charlie, but I can imagine you & him are having fun together in Heaven.
I'll write again!
me posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wow Mom I cant believe I have not written to you in 2 years. How time flies I never realized that. I miss you just as much as the day you left me. Although I have not been on here you must no I still think about you everyday and nite. Time passes so quickly and we never realize. Its been 4 long years but feels like just yesterday since you have been gone. I send all my love to you and promise I will never let all that time pass before I write again. AML to u 4 ever and ever
goodbye my sweet angel
Joan Kamps posted a condolence
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My dear sweet Carol,
It's hard to believe you've been gone for 4 yrs. already. I know I didn't spend much time w/you, but I love you very much, and I think of you often.
You are in my heart. May God richly bless you in Heaven.
Love Always & Forever
me posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
It has been a long time since I have been on here. There is so much going on these days. We are still trying to finish the house and keep up with the wrestling. Jason won his first trophy at Sundays tournament. What a kodak moment that was. He could not wipe the smile from his face. The other two are doing well this year also. If only they could be like that at home. Man talk about high maintenance.
Anyway baby girl is getting bigger everyday. She has six teeth and weighs in at about twenty pounds now i guess. She is so beautiful to. She is always pulling on you and Tommy which Im sure you no, cause I no you guys are watching us all the time. We miss you both so much it is just a pain that never leaves us, ever.
I just keep telling myself that we are just apart for awhile and we will meet again. I really can't wait til that day but I have to much to do here with my little rabbits as Alice would say.
Daddy is, well he is daddy! He misses you very much but sure has a strange way bout himself. I'll never understand it, but whatever makes it easier for him. Not my fault mom. I cant wait till we are all one big family again, where it is always happy and none of this crap goes on. Until then remember how much I miss and love you. Always, Always, Always.
Thank you for my little angel Mommy Dearest she is truly the best. til she grows up and acts like meha ha.
Good nite my sweet angel
Pat Kelly Griffiths posted a condolence
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Carol I just want to say Merry Christmas & Happy New year's. I know your in Heaven. But you really are so missed. I play your Favorite song alot. But it does make me Cry. A Million to one. I hope you know Chick Man goes to see you every Day. We talk about you every day. See how much you are missed. So for now Love you alot . Your cousin Pat xoxoxoxo .
Pat Kelly Griffiths posted a condolence
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Well carol . You got your song on your Anniversary. And Billy Mac & Me got to be part of what you wanted . I did look up at Chickie .He had tear's all for you .He gave you the most of what you really wanted Your song. It did sound like New Year's day. Your Day. You had 4 Banjo's Sax Base Player And a Singer. Chickie was so happy that you got your song. So was i. Even now when i think of that day i cry. Billy Mac took his Banjo And i took my Banjo. We was happy to play just for you.And i have to say we did sound good .Be cause we did that for you.I Love miss you so much .All the fun we had. Buy one day we will be togather again . I hope lol. My soung was to you it was called Angel never leave Heaven. Yes i did cry.We even did a sound we called it Carol from second Street . Even the Band said Hat's off to Chickie for such a great gift. To his Wife. ok Carol i'm crying again so i'm letting you go now. Go to Chickie in his Dream Please. Love you Pat. :
pat Kelly Griffiths posted a condolence
Friday, August 12, 2005
Carol, It's been a year today. And it seem's like yesterday we went shopping. I really do miss you. 40 year's ago you asked me to be your maid of honor. And I said yes and Carol I still cry. You went with God, you were to young. Carol I love add miss you so much. Your best cousin, Pat. :
geri hilton posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
miss you , wish you were still here to talk to about when we
were kids always getting in trouble
in nannys house.miss you love
Me posted a condolence
Thursday, August 4, 2005
I am always writing to you on your sponsored guestbook that I seem to forget this one is here. I would like anyone who visits this site to no there is another site we always use at www.legacy.com. There we have pictures and lots of messages.
But as for you my dearest mother I would like to thank you for my beautiful baby girl who is an angel just like you. And Don is right she has the dark hair just like you. I no to that you had something to do with this.Now all you need to do is make your other grandchildren good. I no that will have to be the doings of God cause he is the only one powerful enough to fix them.
Anyway as I said in my other messages I love you and miss you more than ever, and I always will.
Good nite my sweet angel.
Don Griffiths posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Carol, Lisa had a little girl, she even has you color hair, I know you had something to do with that. You are missed very much.
Don Griffiths posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Carol, you are really missed. You are in my prayers and my thoughts.
pat kelly Griffiths posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Carol. I'm missing you to much. Love Pat:
Michele Donahue posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I miss u alot I still walk in your house and feel like your goin to be there its so weird with out you i wish you were still here you were definatly alot of fun Love You and Miss you lots Michele
Don Griffiths posted a condolence
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Carol, you are missed, rest in peace till we meet again.
carol posted a condolence
Saturday, February 12, 2005
happy valentines day. I love and miss you very much. To bad the Eagles didn't make it.
love carol chalie little chalie and morgan
carol posted a condolence
Thursday, January 27, 2005
It has been 5 months since you left us. It has been getting more and more difficult for me. I have so many questions to be answered that never will. I feel like my life is going to crap and I don't know how to deal with it. We had our differences and some will never be ironed out or explained. If you are looking down on me please send a sign to let me know you loved me not because I was your daughter but because I was me. The kids miss you very much. I feel my life is falling apart and I am losing control. I am sorry for all the things I may have done. I only wanted your love and acceptance. I feel I never had it . Please help me deal with my life right now. And remember I did and always will love you. love carol
Jennifer Postorivo posted a condolence
Monday, November 8, 2004
Momma Hepp,
I miss you very much and I think about you often. You would be proud of precious. She is having another baby - that will be four just like you! She is such a good mom and such a good daughter to Mr. Hepp. I love you!!!!!
Your Daughter posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Mommy Dearest,
I must tell you that this Halloween just doesn't feel the same without you. I believe it was your favorite Holiday, along with Christmas, and St. Patty's day and all the rest. ha ha The kids wanted a party this year and Daddy would have went for it, believe it or not, but that was your bag, not his. Could you imagine how miserable that would have made him, considering they can't even drop a crumb on the floor. They keep talking about how much they are missing you especially now. It will not be the same for them. I made some candy bags for the little ones you always took care of, but they don't even compare to what you used to have and I already warned them about that. Your Josh doesn't even like when I mention your name because he said it makes him to sad. You were right he does miss you the most. This year Jason is going to be a gangster, Josh pick the every year scream guy and Joey is getting older so all he wants is a black cape and his face painted. Josh's Halloween parade is tomorrow and I no it'll be hard for me because you were always there for your little monsters. It makes it so hard, because you did so much to make us miss you like we do. I love you girl! Happy Haunting in Heaven!
geri posted a condolence
Sunday, October 24, 2004
miss you so much and think of you everyday. rest in peace till we meet again.
love geri
Pat Griffiths posted a condolence
Monday, September 27, 2004
Carol I love you and miss you so much. Not only were you my family but you were my best friend. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I hope you enjoyed the band on Sunday and I hope you had a great anniversary as well. Till we meet again. Hugs and Kisses,
Lisa posted a condolence
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Today is your 40th anniversary with daddy, and its the first event without you. He is missin you so much. I wish we could do the things we will do for you today and have you here. We cant so I hope you can see us from heaven and I hope you like what you see. I love you and miss you more and more each day.
geri hilton posted a condolence
Friday, September 24, 2004
carol miss you miss you miss you love geri
geri hilton posted a condolence
Sunday, September 12, 2004
carol miss you more and more everyday.love geri
Lisa posted a condolence
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Its been almost one month since you've been gone and it isn't getting any easier. i miss you so much it hurts. Please no that I love you so much and miss you more and more each passing day. Please ask God ease all of our pain. You are truely the BEST MOM!
kimberly posted a condolence
Thursday, August 26, 2004
I just wanted to thank everyone for all of your support during this very difficult time. You don't know how much it means to my entire family that so many people have reached out to each and everyone of us. Life will never be the same without our mom. But it does make us very happy to know that everyone feels the same about her, whether it be a cousin, family friend, or just an aquaintance of our mom we all knoe how she was truly one of a kind, the more that i read every tribute abo;ut her the more I relize how lucky that we all are just to have had her in our lives she would put a smile on anyone of our faces no matter what the situation was, she offered our home to any single one of us that needed it, whether it be for a couple of hours, a few days, or even a few months, ect... our mom was truly the most caring person I know or have ever known. She never held a grudge against anyone she always had her helping hand out for any one of us no matter if we let her down or had a little spiff with her, she would forget the bad in all of us and pick out only the good. she will be so sadly missed by us, our lives will never be the way they were when she was here. It helps a little to know that she is no longer suffering like she had for many years, it's funny how GOD works, we sometimes doubt him esp. in times like thesewe question why take some one so special to so many people, why take our mom when she is still so badly needed here on earth with us. God takes only the good so young, he holds a place for her so she can take care of the things she needs to take care of in heaven, she will be with her mom for all eternity now. I know she will wait for each one of us to come and join her at the gates of heaven. Please remember that we are going keep our door open to anyone who would like to drop by, even for it be just to say hi, let's all keep in touch and may our family grow stronger and closer then ever before. We all need to remember that it's our family & friends who will keep al;l of our spirits going after we are gone from this earth. be sure to stay in touch with us. love the hepp family
Kelli Gray posted a condolence
Friday, August 20, 2004
Carol and Family:
I?m not quite sure where to begin besides telling you all how truly sorry I am for your tremendous loss. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. Your Mom was such an exceptional individual. She had this remarkable way of making everyone feel so comfortable and so welcomed at your home. She just made you feel like you belonged. I?ll never forget how much I used to look forward to spending not just one night, but the entire weekend with the Hepp?s! I had a blast! Even though the years have gone by, the memory of your Mom will always seem like yesterday. God Bless you all
Kelli McKinley Gray
Nancy Sparks-Bjurman posted a condolence
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Dear Aunt Carol, Uncle Charlie and Cousins Charlie and Morgan,
I am so sorry for your loss and pray that your family have all the love and support from your family and friends that are around you at this difficult time. I will come over and visit you and the family the next time I am in New Jersey.
Much love to you and your entire family....Nancy and Vince
Jennifer posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I love the Hepp's and will always be there for them for anything that they need. I plan to be a big part of keeping Mrs. Hepps' memory alive. She was a great person and a great friend! She touched so many people in so many ways. I love you all! Love, Jennifer
carol posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I would like to thank all of those who attended or sent flowers to my mothers service and to all of those who sent an email or card. It brightens up a very sad time to see and hear from old friends as well as new. My mother will be missed by many, especially her family. Your thoughts and prayers are so very welcomed. And please remember that just because my mom is no longer with us, our door is still open to all friends and family. Please stop by and visit at anytime. We will try to carry on all traditional holidays no matter how hard. I know she would like that. Again thank you and the door remains open to all. We are all still friends and family even when one is gone. And a special thanks to those who were there from the beginning there are no words available to express the kindness and compassion you gave to our family. The help and time and being there with us, and you know who you are, are appreciated more than words can say and can never be repayed. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU. Love Carol, Chalie, Chalie and Morgan Sparks
DawnStinsmanPetty posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Carol and Family,
I am so sorry to hear about Carol. She was one of a kind. I will cherish my memeories of our times together. My thoughts are with all of you. Love,
Walt, Lainie & Mya posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2004
Kim and Family,
We just wanted to let you know how very sorry we are to hear of your family's loss. The entire Hepp family will be kept in our thoughts and in our prayers.
God Bless!
Anna Holak posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2004
I cannot begin to tell you how deeply saddened I am at the loss of such a wonderful friend. The Hepp home was always a place filled with warmth and laughter, and Carol made you feel welcome any time you visited. I cannot imagine a greater friend or a kinder soul. I imagine not another day will go by that I do not think of Carol and miss her.
Carol Brown posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2004
My Cousin
People never knew just how much she meant to me and you
They knew her by name, but it's still not the same
Her eyes so bright, her smile so wide
We always let her know we were right there by her side
Now she's gone from me and you
Now we have no reason to be blue
We loved her, she loved us
And we have to try not to fuss
She said goodbye and gave you a kiss
Now all we can do is reminis
Why does God take the best to love
Up to that great big world up above?
Her memory will never leave
Her kind and gentle smile will always be seen
Never forget her, never let her leave your mind
Tell her you love her, just one more time.
Love Your Cousin Carol
Lori Kirkbride posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2004
Carol and Family,
We are very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time.
With Deepest Sympathy,
Lori Burness Kirkbride and Family
Blais posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2004
I am so very sorry. Your mom was great. I was thinking the other night about my mom and that Carol went up to the altar and spoke about her. I will never forget the story she told about my mom. We'll miss her very much.
Lisa Cheetyl posted a condolence
Sunday, August 15, 2004
I would like everyone who has been so thoughtful and generous to us, to know how much we truely appreciate your support. We will be going through the most difficult time of our lives, and it is the friends and family that will keep us strong. God is going to make my mom's eternal life so much more pleasant than the painful one she dealt with here on earth. Please keep praying for us.
Thanks to you all
Straight from our hearts
Honey Berry and family posted a condolence
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Carol and her family,My sister Karen informed me that your mother passed away. Our deepest sorrow sympathy go to your family.I will not be able to attend your mothers funeral because we are in Kansas city with my husband family. Our thought and pray be with you all.
Tiffany Read posted a condolence
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Kim and family,
We am so very sorry to hear about the loss of you Mother. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.
Tiffany & Family
Connie & Todd
Karen and Melissa Golembeski posted a condolence
Friday, August 13, 2004
We are very sorry for your loss of Carol A. Hepp. I sorely miss her because she was very active and talkative during our families' parties. She was very sweet woman who would keep me company while my family chatted around because I am deaf. I would never forget how nice smile she had.
God will be with you and your family. Carol, My sister in law and my brother Charlie, I want you to aware that I can't attend your mother's viewing or funeral event, but you all are in my prayer, Karen.
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